December 13, 2006

IO 2.0

I recently upgraded to the Blogger beta, which has a number of new features and brings it closer to matching Wordpress, which I admit is the better blogging platform. I'm relatively happy with Blogger, primarily because I've built my template mostly from scratch and don't feel like doing it over, and I'd rather not go with a boring generic one.

The changes don't mean much for you as a reader, except that most posts are now categorized for your reading convenience; you can see the full list of categories along the right side of the page, and navigate at your leisure. For those of you visiting through an RSS reader, you can now subscribe to a comments feed if you are so inclined. I imagine you're not. I encountered one somewhat annoying bug during the upgrade: a number of comments have now been marked as "anonymous" for some reason.

And for all those who have e-mailed me recently, commenting isn't broken; I just disable it occasionally. So don't worry about the monkeys.

Update 12.13.2006: It turns out that the commenting is actually somewhat broken as part of the upgrade. I think this primarily affects users who are signed in to older Blogger accounts (as opposed to their Google accounts.)

Blogger mentions the bug here, but they say it's been fixed. Oh well.


  1. Good to know commenting isn't "broken." Either way, good monkeys post. It was one of the better poems I've come across :D

    Your comments actually are kinda messed up. I can't comment properly for some reason :S


  2. Thank you! I consider that fairly high praise coming from you - I've really enjoyed all the poetry of yours that I've read.

    You're right about the commenting; people who haven't upgraded their Blogger accounts will have trouble posting comments with their usual identities. I imagine this will be fixed eventually.

  3. hi..slms..

    i loved the monkeys post and have visited threee times to see if i could comment, and still no open door/ *sigh*


    keep well

  4. Thanks Kimya. Sometimes, I basically write my feelings and don't really want to hear what other people think of them, thus I close the commenting. People can interpret it as they want; I know what I meant, but others have sent me some very interesting ideas about it as well that are probably just as correct.
